People talk about how the internet makes it easier to find niche audiences but it's still so so hard.

Algorithms/feeds do a much better job sharing your stuff than your readers. But if you're seeking to please algorithms, you'll devolve into broad audience building
idk I think I put out good stuff? but the reality is that it won't get in front of the right eyes (even if they're looking for it) unless something happens to bring it across their face

you can literally see bumps happen when some meme went viral
So now you're playing this game where you alternate between audience building stuff to get people to even know you exist with higher quality stuff to make them stay
I think we like to pretend that the internet has figured out a way to capture the value of high value audiences vs. broad ones, but I'm not sure it has. It's always tempting to just devolve into lowest common denominator, broadly appealing takes because the $ path is much clearer
I'm trying to explore more here

-Paid, invite-only communities
-Investing in companies via the readership
-Eventually job placements
-Few other unannounced things
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