I have a lot of issues with Hamilton as a piece of art but I have watched the last 10 minutes so many times I'm concerned Disney+ is going to cut me off.
LO, Jr. is perfect don't @ me
this scene is perfect don't @ me
This acting moment from Christopher Jackson is everything and I choose to believe it is 100% intentional.

E: I raise funds in DC for the Washington Monument
W: She tells my story! :)
E: I speak out against slavery!
W: :(
Okay one last Hamilton Hot Take™ then I'm done - I don't find the current reevaluation of the Founding Fathers (especially re: slavery) at odds with the text of Hamilton, because the main theme of the show is that you have no control over how history remembers you.
I don't think "Founding Fathers are Bad, Actually" will ever take hold in the mainstream, but I think its possible that a serious reevaluation of the unjust systems they were born into/perpetuated could become a part of the narrative--the framing of history is always changing.
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