Just a thought. Dont you think Catriona is under attack now, coz she’s been so vocal about current issues in our cpuntry? Just a thought. Lol i checked that ig account who supposedly was spilling the tea (not the ex), & one of the post says “dami kasing kuda”.
The post includes a news clippings plus the tweets of Cat. I dont know...it’s like they are finding dirt about her.
Their theories dont match up though. Same account who was spilling the tea. They were saying Catriona cheated, but they were also insinuating Sam is gay. How does that make sense? Lol cant two people be friends before they date?
They are both public figures. Supported same charity institution. I mean,it wouldn’t be a surprise that they would be seen together. Whether they were cheating or not, there was really no concrete proof of it.I guess we will wait for the countdown of the ex. Maybe he’ll spill tea
They said the ex was really a hacker before. If he post hack docus, then he would be in trouble with the law. If he was really cheated on, then yeah. My sympathies would be on him. But until there’s no concrete proof, he just look like some bitter ex who cant move on
Also, what’s this issue about Catriona being a Christian so she should not live or have sex with someone before marriage? Come on! Let me use Nadine‘s words, “Anu na, 2020 na!!!” Lol
All the photos posted that were supposedly evidence of Catriona’s cheating are not incriminating though. They were seen together on same events, but with lots of people. They don’t even look intimate.
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