Lastly, every day I have an experience that parallels Black American lives. I’m neurodivergent & a disagreeable contrarian. So I have an army of people telling me from the moment I get up until I go to sleep that I’m various things I‘m absolutely not with no way to correct them.
Ask @ParkerMolloy or @dandrezner and they’ll tell you I’m an idiot or a dullard/liar respectively...despite a Harvard PhD in math. Doesn’t matter! I’m a Dunnig-Kruger poster child to these people. Or I’m a libertarian when I‘m anti-libertarian. Or Alt Right when progressive. Etc.
This is what I assume it is like to be Black in a White dominated world: you are lied to about who you are almost every second of every day. You can’t afford to notice it; it’s like not noticing air *because* it is everywhere around you and I see Black analytic genius everywhere.
What are the odds that every single teacher you have is terrible? Very low if you‘re Neurotypical. But very high if you‘re Neurodivergent. Well, think of Black Americans as an ENORMOUS neurodivergent invisible community. They aren’t black: they‘re clear & you look right through.
So forgive me. I don’t trust the IQ testing. Call it the St. Lucia effect: tiny St Lucia has one of the lowest IQ scoring populations on 🌎 and also one of the Highest Noble Laureates per capita counts. The great thing about this planet is how much arbitrage opportunity exists.🙏
And I just want to say thank you to the professional commentariat, the experts, the journalists, the economists, the professors, the politicians & SJWs who make a point of getting almost everything wrong every-single-day. You created the opportunity of a lifetime.

I thank you.🙏
*Nobel Laureates.

I know: “Your spelling, grammar and incomprehensiblity show that you aren’t the mind you think yourself to be Einstein. You’re embarrassing yourself. Etc.”

Heh heh. I’ll just show my self out and delete my account embarrassing! ;-)
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