Finally finished watching #GameOfThrones and think I get it:

Jon Snow (Dr. Anthony Fauci) recognizes early on that the Army of the Dead and the Night King ( #COVID19) are on the march.
Snow convinces Samwell Tarly ( @BarackObama) early on of its existence. They task Lord Tyrion Lannister ( @BethCameron_DC) to gather the small council (NSC) to create a Pandemic Preparedness Playbook, to be ready once winter comes.
The country’s internal power shifts when Queen Cersei ( @realDonaldTrump) somewhat unexpectedly rises to sit on the iron throne, influenced by the High Sparrow (Roger Stone). Thus, internal battles kick off to reach the throne, despite the Army of the Dead fast approaching.
Margaery Tyrell ( @jaredkushner) had designs on ruling, ultimately marrying two different Lannister sons in an attempt to reach power.
Stannis Baratheon ( @TulsiGabbard), bolstered by Melisandre (Russian bots), attempts to make his claim at leadership, blinded by obvious barriers. Ramsay Bolton ( @MikeBloomberg) tries to muscle his way in, leading to a protracted downfall.
Initially, King Joffrey ( @VP) was kinda put at the head of the preparations for the Long Night ( #COVID19). Then, briefly, Petyr Baelish ( @SecAzar) was thought to be the one truly calling the shots, but that ended when his back-channeling back-fired.
Danaeryus Targaryen ( @realDrBirx) initially seen as the inevitable leader, literally and weirdly torches her prospects in the penultimate episode of the saga.
Sir Jaime Lannister ( @LindseyGrahamSC), the King Slayer, despite showing signs of being an admirable general and despite many opportunities to stand up to his sister, seems to be blinded by his love for Cersei ( @realDonaldTrump).
Lord Bronn of the Blackwater ( @MittRomney) appears initially to be working for the highest bidder, but ultimately risks his (political) life fighting for what is right.
Meanwhile, Arya Stark ( @PeterHotez) keeps diligently working to prepare, researching what kills White Walkers ( #COVID19 vaccine candidates), building tools built of dragon glass, knocking enemies (anti-science folks) off her list.
Sansa Stark ( @DrLeanaWen) elegantly and strategically works her way to her rightful place atop the North, displaying integrity and loyalty to long-time friends. Brienne of Tarth ( @JeremyKonyndyk) and Sandor Clegane ( @ashishkjha) vigorously work to protect the Stark girls.
Lord Varys ( @ddiamond), the Master of Whisperers, trumpets the previously crafted pandemic playbook to ensure the public knows the truth about the lacking leadership despite the imminent attack by the White Walkers.
The entire story ends with King Bran Stark ( @JoeBiden) surrounded by his small council - the above protagonists, plus Ser Davos Seaworth ( @TomBollyky) - preparing to lead a (mostly) consolidated country.
Jon Snow (Fauci) is noticeably absent, having been banished to the Wall as a result of resolving historical conflict and helping to win the Great War, potentially sacrificing his life-long career to save humanity from #COVID19
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