I've been thinking a lot about productive vs unproductive information/news/etc sharing (and relationships as a whole). the question of "what inspires you to do more" and what you can do to help other people feel it too

a lot of us lately have been riding on Anger lately
but even with anger, there's productive anger and there's hopeless anger, as well as exhausting anger.

so we make the choice as media curators about what to retweet/whatever that will give people energy and hope, and we also make the choice as media consumers similarly
though it varies per person, I have been trying to keep my retweets and information spreading pointed towards things that inspire me to do more to help the world. avoiding things that incite hopeless anger in me, or avoiding things that give me pacifying peace
I do not in any way intend to make a roadmap for what I think is right, here, because I think everyone knows themselves and their communities better than a general outsider, but I would like to encourage people to think about how to inspire during this terrifying year
final thought here to summarize. but I guess what I believe is that as a consumer, you should surround yourself with people and stories that make you more capable, and more energized.

as a curator, consider trying to be the person who would do that for yourself, at least
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