"Not being a dumbass is white supremacy"
"Cause and effect relationships are white supremacy"
"Chips being sold based on weight and not volume is white supremacy"
"Traffic laws are white supremacy"
"The existence of East Asia is white supremacy"
"My father paying more attention to my brother who was captain of the soccer team than my abstract art about global warming is white supremacy"
"Buffalo chicken dip is white supremacy"
"Why couldn't my father just love me?"
"I wake up to the whirring fan of the laptop on my chest. My studio apartment is filled with funko pops and empty lacroix cans. I walk 5 feet to my desk and stare into the screen for 12 hours before drinking myself to sleep. I repeat."
"I had a dream last night that I peeled all of my skin off. It didn't even hurt, standing there with my exposed muscle and tendons. I was beautiful in the blue light of the screen, red and white and dripping."
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