"You are starving? This is not famine yet! When your women start eating their children then you may come and say we are starving"
- Bolshevik Leon Trotsky in response to pleas from starving peoples of the Ukraine 1921. #Holodomor
"At every train station there was a crowd of peasants in rags, offering ikons & linen in exchange against a loaf of bread. Women lifting up their infants to compartment windows – infants pitiful with limbs like sticks, puffed bellies, big cadaverous heads lolling on thin necks".
A family starves in their own yard. Ukraine. 1933. #Holodomor
A cart full of dead bodies is dragged off to be burned. Ukraine. Circa 1932-1933. #Holodomor
A “Red Train” of carts is sent out by the Soviet government to take food away from the Ukrainian people. Oleksiyivka, Ukraine. 1932. Grain confiscation in Novokrasne (Arbuzynka Raion, now Mykolaiv Oblast), October 1932 #Holodomor
“We are waiting for death” was my welcome: “See, we still have our cattle fodder. Go farther south. There they have nothing. Many houses are empty of people already dead,” they cried.
- Gareth Jones statement at a press conference in Berlin #Holodomor
“Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The bloodthirsty Jewish terrorist have murdered sixty six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.”
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Patriot
Translated: “People who eat one other because of the famine are not cannibals. Cannibals are those who don’t want to redistribute the church’s gold to the starving.” and “Don’t forget it’s wrong to eat your children”.
“Censorship has turned them into masters of euphemism and understatement. Hence they give “famine” the polite name of “food shortage” and “starving to death” is softened down to read as “widespread mortality from diseases due to malnutrition”…
- Gareth Jones #Holodomor
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