Tomorrow is... fanfare...our final day of home learning. (We’ve designated Friday as a bring a game to school day - classic last day of term activity). I feel all kinds of weird emotions about it. Never did I really think as I picked the two of them up from the playground on
the 20th of March that they wouldn’t return this academic year and that they’d see out Year 2 and Year 5 sitting at the dining table with me each day as we figured out how to make an ever changing new normal work for us as a family. I’m bursting proud of them and how they’ve
adapted and got used to a different way of learning (and living) - having a teacher (me) who knows nothing about what she is actually trying to teach you 93.2% of the time must have it’s challenges. 🤣 I’ve certainly learnt more about Henry VIII, rock formations, fractions, long
division, continents, oceans & extended noun phrases than I ever thought I would in 2020. But they’ve also learnt more about my job, and the work of this very special organisation I’m part of, in the last 16 weeks than in the last 12 yrs combined. They’ve cheered on our runners,
packaged up mailings, chatted to colleagues & volunteers, taken photos for social media, come up with fundraising ideas and been there ready with a massive ‘Mummy hug’ the second I’ve put the phone down having had a sad phone call with someone having a tough time. They’ve learnt
bucketloads about compassion, empathy, the importance of having choices, the importance of listening to people’s choices, being kind, bereavement, volunteering and fundraising and so much more just by being surrounded by this Marie Curie bubble day in day out. And they no longer
think I dress as a massive daffodil every day for a job, so you know, win win. 🙂
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