Radfem: Here are photographs of ten transwomen who are obviously male. Some have taken no steps to transition and even still wear beards. Some are convicted criminals. Do they belong in the women's room?

Libfem: Those aren't really transwomen.
Radfem: But you say a transwoman is any male who simply claims to "feel like a woman."

Libfem: No man is going to fake being trans just to enter the women's room.
Radfem: Here are 25 examples of crossdressing males committing criminal activity in women's restrooms.

Libfem: Well those aren't real transwomen, they're just men faking it to get into women's restrooms.
Radfem: You just said that never happens.

Libfem: *fumes* Look, we can't force transwomen to share bathrooms with men, men are dangerous!

Radfem: I agree men are dangerous, which is why we need to make sure they are not allowed free entry into female spaces.
Libfem: God, why are you so paranoid about sharing a bathroom with men?

Radfem: You just said men are dangerous.

Libfem: WHATEVER, YOU ARE A TERF BIGOT!!! *stomp, stomp and block*

~*End scene: It is bigoted to name male violence as the problem.*~
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