I'm seeing a disturbing trend in the prolife movement.

(A Thread)

One of my favorite things about the prolife movement is how diverse it is. There are all races, creeds, sexual orientations, genders, political affiliations, etc. involved. It is truly a blessing for our growth.
Recently, I am seeing a trend that is growing which involves all members of the prolife movement be this or that, vote this or that way, act this or that way, and/or tackle this other topics(s) also.
While I 100% agree we should call out bigotry, racism, oppression, phobias, and harmful rhetoric in our movement; I am concerned with the Golden Child effect of canceling those who aren't as "perfect" or "complaint" with any given way of participating in the movement.
No prolifer is perfect. No prolifer is completely without bias and preference. No prolifer will ever withstand the scrutiny of habing to conform to the beliefs and opinions of all prolifers.
Recently, I experienced a few people blocking or unfriending me for various things. I'm ok with that. It is their right to tailor their online experience. However, I am concerned with the growing inability to disagree with civility and the best possible assumptions of each other.
I am sure I fall short of civility or assuming the best as well. I am nowhere near perfect. Please do not take this thread as a claim to anything less than inclusion of my own failings.
We are all on a journey. Each of us has our own unique path towards enlightenment regarding human rights. We will never help each other reach new destinations of we are canceling each other or discarding each other.
We will also never all agree on the problems or solutions. Passionate debate is good. Ongoing discussions of terms and applications is good. Infighting and cancellation is not.

The End
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