Analogy on how God is overturning corruption and why leftists narrative on America being corrupt is false.
If you take a child into the doctor because they are sick and the doctor gives a prescription the child is not instantly cured on day one. If the child continues to take the medicine gradually over time the illness is cured. Symptoms of the illness weaken over time.
You would not stop taking the medicine after three days because the child is still sick.

God placed Adam and Eve on the earth and they taught the commandments and to worship God. Their children rejected this and created their own belief systems and government.
These beliefs and governments became corrupted over time to the point of denying God and his commandments and morality entirely creating their own system.
Satan setup his form of government through Cain. Part of that system was slavery. Why? Because Gods system was given to Adam when he said by the sweat of they brow shalt though eat all the days of thy life.
Cain was tempted to take Abels flocks without paying for them or working for it. It was by murder and theft. The secret combination was the counterfeit or method Satan introduced into the world which was to be robbers and to gain control of governments to live off the ppl
Slavery was the overarching structure that came from Cain and the secret combination. The leaders of this combination restrict liberty, speech, religion, right to defend yourself, etc bcs they want a monopoly on controlling people.
This corrupt form of government in different names (kings, dictators, etc) have ruled the rule. In late 1700s God establishes the US Constitution and it like a medical prescription was put in place.
All the people alive then were infected by how the world had been operated for thousands of years. Slavery of all races was the general rule not the exception. The founders were inspired that all men were created equal.
America taking this medicine and having a framework of freedom combined with the Bible started America onto a path of enlightenment. That’s why eventually the good overcame the evil of slavery.
America didn’t start or support slavery and other evils. The US constitution and Christianity was the medicine that has been curing the patient.
Satan has been working since the founding to destroy liberty. Part of his strategy is to blame the problems on the cure. He blames America and the founders. He blames Christianity and religion as an oppressor. He blames the US constitution. He claims it is outdated.
At the center of it all is liberty. God created mankind and gave them liberty and agency. Satan seems to take away the agency of man. He does it through taking advantage of the goodness in people. He says “look at the problems on this earth.”
Turn the choices over to me (his government) to solve problems. Give me more authority and power and I’ll solve the problems. Gods way is freedom to choose and act and be personally accountable. Satan’s way is force.
The US constitution is NOT the problem. Liberty is not the problem. Turning our liberty over to the government will only lead to what we experienced over the last 6,000 years. Oppression, cruelty, misery, at the hands of tyrants.
Christ will return and in his government people are free. Like the war in heaven we must choose which side we are on. God and liberty or Satan and tyranny.
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