In lieu of ongoing discussions around catfishing, here are some things to look out for with ppl who catfish (thread):
Filters. If they only show you pics of themselves heavily edited/filtered, there's a good chance they are catfishing.
They won't send videos. If you are talking to someone romantically, it's not weird to ask them for a video to hear their voice, or a picture of them with a thing they've told you about.
They talk themselves up. If they are telling you accomplishment after accomplishment, they're probably lying.
They try to put the moves on you too quickly. They're overly interested in you very early on. They seem to be interested in all the same things you happen to post about being interested in.
They only have one pic, and no others that are clearly them in different settings.
If I left anything out please feel free to add in the replies. And by no means am I implying victims of catfishing are responsible for being catfished--this is simply meant to help anyone who wants to protect themself.
You can follow @Estochen.
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