Since the time I was in school I've always stood up for/with the people who used to get bullied based on their appearance or even marks. I have never faced bullying myself but honestly it's the worst thing ever. Because I used to support them I eventually became their friend and-
I have two such friends from school one who has bullied for her complexion and one because of her marks. The moment we left school and went to different places for 11&12th these two changed drastically. I could literally see them out of a 10yr toxic environment--
And I have seen them cry and lose all their self respect in those 10years because of how mean people are. But then I saw them so happy and it really made me feel AMAZING. I always tell them how happy I am to see them like this. All I want to say is that it isn't difficult being-
A nice person. We need to be kind to people because it can literally affect them in ways you cannot imagine. Also stand up against bullies don't turn a blind eye when you know someone is being left out or troubled so much. Fin.
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