Dear friends,

In the time that it takes a dyslexic person to read a 100-word paragraph, a non-dyslexic person finishes reading a page. Even then, the words look a little like this to a person with dyslexia:

"A fenird who has dixyesla dsercbeid to me how she epeierencxs rinedag
She can raed, but it tkaes a lot of cncitorotnean, and the ltreets semes to 'jump aronud'".

Discussions about learning disorders are not common in Nepali society. A common practice is to label kids with dyslexia “lazy”, “distracted”, and “lacking discipline”, when in fact they
might be struggling with something that people with basic education take for granted - the simple task of reading.
One of our producers has dyslexia and wants to do an episode on this topic. Do you or anyone you know have dyslexia? Are you willing to share your story of growing
up with dyslexia and your experience with related stigmas in Nepal?
Please reach out to Yo Nepali Life at [email protected] or message us here! You may choose to disclose your identity or remain anonymous.

Have a great day :)
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