From my time this AM I saw Cavedo grant a continence for a #COVID19 exposed defendant.

C said he read on "some internet news site" that some1 went get a test but the line was long so he left but got a + result anyway.

"You have to wonder" C said about covid testing. 2/6
This isn't the first time Cavedo has questioned the #COVID19 pandemic.

On 4/2/20 he granted a deal for a D to avoid jail time but appeared skeptical of the excuse: COVID-19 except he called it " #Wuhanflu"


A 2nd hearing on 4/2 gave Cavedo the chance to grant an indigent man bond.

He denied despite #COVIDー19 and #SCOVA pushing for reducing prison pops.

He said he "would disagree that the fewer people in jail, the better. That's just a matter of principle."

And then there's Cavedo's Facebook.

Here's some stand outs:

1 - Criticizing @UVA's change to sexual harassment policy

2 - race-bating alt-right new shares

3 - Global warming is a hoax

4 - Lincoln was "the worst" president

So why is this important?

Cavedo is a judge. He's deciding the fate of Ds and civil litigants.

And while some judges can divest themselves from personal opinion, his comments in his college op-ed, FB posts and recent court hearings suggests a bias of his own.

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