The best thing about the Rick Wilson nuking is that it perfectly illustrates the fallacy of “being friends with the Left”

Wilson and the rest fall for the new found “respect” for Bush, thinking that now that Trump is in office the Left has seen the error of their ways
They think that the Left just wants things to return to normal, and they’ll tearfully repent of calling everyone on the Right racist

They think Trump has provided a humbling and sombering clarity to the Left
What they don’t get is what they haven’t gotten all along

Trump is not a product of a vicious racist rising of the Right

Trump is a product of the Left’s never ending Alinsky style character assassinations of anyone who dares lean Right
And so they think they’re “teaming up” with a group of Americans who don’t share the same ideas, but share the same values

And they waltz onto Colbert’s show thinking they’re gonna have a big Dump Drumpf party only to find out, these people hate you and don’t share your “values”
The Left started this vile divisive era of politics in America

The media perpetuated it

And the Right finally got fed up with being bullied and they picked a fighter in Trump

I wish we could go back to the days of Reagan and intellectual debate

But for now those days are gone
cc: @ComfortablySmug

Tried to lay out some thoughts here if you have the chance to take a look
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