In lieu of so much negativity coming up lately- I wanted to share some love and reminders with all of you!
To anyone following me who is a POC- you’re amazing no matter where you’re from or what you look like. I’m sorry things are so scary right now. You’re supported and valued and I love you so much.
To anyone following me who’s queer- you’re all so valid and amazing. Whether you like girls, guys, people on the non-binary, agender, and genderfluid spectrums, or nobody at all, your attraction levels are valid. I love you all so much!
To my trans, gnc, and friends on the non-binary/genderfluid/xenogender spectrums; you’re so amazing! No matter what you identify as or what pronouns you use- you are loved and you’re so valid!
To any of my followers who struggle with mental illnesses or are on the ADHD/ADD/autistic spectrums- you’re fantastic and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise- not even yourself or your brain. You are a good person and you deserve love and respect.
TW // eating disorder mention, food mention

To any of my followers struggling with any type of disorders, you deserve to eat. Whether you ate too much yesterday, whether you think it’s not good to eat- no matter what. You deserve to eat. You are worth it.
To any of my followers struggling with anxieties over classes or friendships- it’s all going to be okay. You WILL pass that next quiz, test, and yes, even that class.

You are wanted and valued by the people that care about you and your friends do love you! Please know that.❤️
To anyone and everyone else; you are amazing and deserve all the happy thoughts and happiness in the world. You’re a good person and I believe in you. Keep being you and keep going! You can power through anything, you are strong enough!
To end this; take some “heart memes” that the kids showed me as a sign of my affection!
(extra memes below):
and special ones of Kermit the Frog!
You can follow @msbeakleylovesu.
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