You can love Jesus and be pro-choice.
I grew up conservative, believing that abortion was a moral issue. I still believe it’s a moral issue. I don’t believe a fetus is a person, & protecting the ability of women to make choices about their health - w/o the government & men regulating it - is both ethical & Christian.
Muted, but carry on w each other in the comments!

I believe abortion access is a human right. My Christian faith informs that. I do not believe a fetus is a person. For those who disagree - abortion rates drop when abortion is accessible. Legal abortion should be a common goal.
Grateful for ppl who reminded me that women aren't the only ones who get abortions. Non-binary/trans folks are often erased from these conversations, and I inadvertently did that in this thread. Abortion access & reproductive healthcare is for folks of all genders who need access
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