And we’re live! Thank you for Senator @adamghinds for kicking us off and recognizing the importance of these listening sessions. #mapoli (1/x)
We’re also joined by @SenEdKennedy! Thank you for recognizing the many contributions of the creative community and the particular toll COVID-19 has on our sector. #mapoli (2/x)
And we’re also joined by Senator @DianaDiZoglio, Small Business Chair. Thank you for taking the time to listen to us today as well! #mapoli (3/x)
First up from the creative community is David Slatery, Acting ED of @masscultural. Mass Cultural Council has some of the most thorough data on the economic toll of COVID-19 on the creative sector. #mapoli (4/x)
The COVID-19 Relief Fund for Individuals and the Safe Harbor Relief program for cultural nonprofits are significant relief efforts created by @masscultural. The latter program significant aided orgs. in accessing $21 million in relief funds. #mapoli (5/x)
This is in addition to funds provided through the CARES Act and individual generous donations that were quickly distributed to artists and orgs. in need through @masscultural (6/x)
Today, @masscultural releases the results of their COVID-19 economic impact survey on the cultural sector. Here to go over the finding is Public Affairs Director Bethann Steiner. (7/x)
The survey was designed in partnership with @nff_news. Data was collected from 392 cultural nonprofits across the Commonwealth through the entire month of June. Orgs. differed in size, discipline, and location. (8/x)
You can follow @MASSCreative.
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