so, here are the emails in which Jesse copied his lawyer and insisted it was my responsibility to investigate accusations against him, particularly those made by Kaitlyn. He also confirms he was in touch with her employer.
He says that these were not legal threats, but when you copy your lawyer, it's not not a legal threat.
he contacted me because someone on twitter said they had information about sexual impropriety and offered to DM me. I suspected there wasn't much there, but said they could. He then emailed me saying I had to save the DMs, which were never sent.
I think it's pretty clear that he was saying he was going to subpoena them in a lawsuit, and force me to reveal sources, if it came to that.
he then said that I needed to investigate accusations against him and that I was now leading the investigation (?) because that's how it works?? again, all after copying his lawyer. and then specifically mentioning Kaitlyn as someone I needed to investigate for him.
I should be clear that I have no reason to think that Jesse sent anyone dick pics. I never said he did, I don't think he did. His bizarre implication that I said or think he did is really disturbing.
again, he confirms that he's been in touch with Kaitlyn's employers, and shows I think pretty clearly that he has a vendetta against her, and is willing to aggressively invoke his lawyer to pursue it.
I'm sure Jesse's fanbase will see nothing wrong with these emails. But I think they tend to confirm the other evidence we've seen that his commitment to free speech ends where criticism of him begins.
these are from January 2019.
I can't say for sure, but it seems likely that if Jesse was emailing someone he knew was unsympathetic over a DM that never was sent, it is reasonably likely that he is emailing more sympathetic people to try to harm the careers of his critics.
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