Sandra Smith is losing her mind arguing with Dr Scott Atlas from Stanford as he's spitting facts at her about kids going back to school.

But, but, but Dr Fauci...are you saying Dr Fauci....

Phew, she isn't happy about FACTS.
"Anyone who thinks schools should be closed is not talking about the risk to children, that's factually true, and they should say that, it has NOTHING to do with children's risk."
"Teachers are a young population in the US...82% under 55 these are not a high risk age groups, we know this by now. Its true there are hi-risk teachers, and they should rely on their social distancing and masks, if very concerned remain home, but we should not lock up children."
"The harms to the children are never in the discussion for some reason. (closing the schools) Long distance learning is a failure, 50% drop in math learning, half the kids aren't even logging on. You can't learn social interactions without a group setting..."
Smith: To be clear, to reopen school you're suggesting we follow CDC guidance be followed, mask wearing, social distancing and all of the precautions that they're recommending?"

Dr Atlas: Not for children, that would be irrational... doesn't matter if children get the disease, they don't get sick from this, and data shows they do not significantly transfer it to adults."

Smith interrupts again: Isn't the point to stop the spread, the science shows mask wearing stops the disease don't we have...
...a collective duty to stop the spread?"

Dr Atlas: "There's not rational reason or science to say that children transmit the disease. You either believe in the science or you say you believe in it and act contrary to the science"
"Science says, this is data from Iceland, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, France, UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Germany, everywhere in the Western World has shown that children do not transmit to adults, even their own parents and teachers are not, NOT at higher risk.
Dr Atlas: "You either believe the science or not. BTW like I said, WE are the only country not opening schools, this is absurd."

Smith: (raising voice) So what are you saying...POTUS says politics are at play for keeping kids home...
Dr Atlas: I believe there is zero reason to keep children home from schools, there is no data that supports it.

Smith: interrupting again, What about high risk kids?

Dr A: Well of course, high risk, that's a small population.
Smith: But what about flu season + CV19?

Dr. Atlas: I find it bizarre that people focus on this idea of "we don't know everything", why are we focusing on what we know, the facts?

Oof...this is a scorcher of an interview.
"The science says open the schools, the science says there's low risk to kids. I don't understand how schools aren't an essential business in this country, what kind of public policy is this?"
🤣🤣🤣 So the producers at FoxNews scrambled to find someone to bring on to counter Dr. Atlas.
Dug up Arne Duncan "Former Education Secretary" who is terrified about opening schools...

Smith quotes Atlas's facts to Duncan, and he completely ignores it...this is comical.
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