I feel this topic is confusing for some, so let me break it down today.

TW: coercion

sexual coercion is the act of using subtle pressure, alcohol/drugs, or force to have sexual contact with against their will.

this includes persistent attempts when someone already refused.
sexual coercion is a form of sexual abuse and harassment.

it can happen to both men & women where a subtle form of emotional pressue (abuse or manipulation) is occuring and the other person is left guilty, uncomfortable, and ashamed for not wanting sexual contact.
1) making you feel like you owe them

2) giving drugs/alcohol to “loosen up”

3) giving extreme compliments

4) threatening your work or school life and/or your friends and family

5) lying and spreading fake rumors of you
6) threatening to reveal your sexual orientation

7) continuing to pressure you after you said NO

8) normalizing their sexual expectations

9) guilt tripping you or using aggression/resentment/sadness if you say no
the tricky part is identifying if ur in this situation. here are some examples.


“If you like me, you would do this for me!”

“We need to have sex, it’ll better our relationship”

“Drink this, it’ll make you more loose”
“I’m going to break up with you if we don’t do it”

“I’d hate to tell your friends that you ...”

“Don’t tell anyone about this or I’ll tell everyone your secret”

“You can’t just make me stop”

“I’ll tell everyone we did it anyways”
I know it’s difficult to stand up for yourself and to say no, but remember: they are not giving you the respect you deserve.

Persuading or coercing you is NOT consent.

You NEVER owe anybody or any relationship any form of sexual intimacy.

National Sexual Assault Hotline
I hope this thread could help you understand more what sexual coercion is.

It took me 4 YEARS to recognize how many instances I have been sexually coerced. At first I felt shame, but after some time I remembered that I am not alone and you are not either.
please feel free to DM me any questions, I am open to discuss but it may take me some time to reply.

love you all, let’s stay educated and keep on advocating.
also sorry if some sentences didnt make sense skdndksnds
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