In my opinion (and mine alone, with no inside or secret knowledge) the time for WordCamps based by city and region (at this time) should be put on ice.

That’s not an original thought and discussions are already happening based on that starter. 1/5
I would personally like to see camps focused on markets (educational, youth, marketing, accessibility), modes (tutorial, how-to), plugins (BuddyPress), formats (more interactivity, hackathons, group discussions, (mini)workshops), devs (LoopConf turned in it's grave just now). 2/5
And yes, several non-WordCamps already touch on specific markets. Most do it well. I still think there’s enough room in these spaces.

General purpose events (rethinked a bit) are ok too! Local events will be back as well, hopefully taken the lessons learned from all of this. 3/5
I see opportunity for experimentation that will bare fruit. Sadly traditions will fade. Disagree that only "real WC" are in person ones.

It'll take time to get this right for attendees, speakers, and sponsors. Everyone is on the same plane that is being rebuilt as we fly it. 4/5
And to extend the plane analogy I think this "flight" will be going well into 2021. I don't see an in-person WordCamp (at least in the US) happening in 2021, for example. 5/5
Addendum: I fully support “local” virtual WordCamps, although without rethinking it will be hard at some poinr or level to tell any of them apart if they are all virtual. Experimentation will be vital and should be encouraged / supported.

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