this is a clip taken from one of K*tie H*pkins’ IGTV’s (when Burnley football fans flew a banner over the stadium before their game with Man City saying “white lives matter”) and I know people are saying we shouldn’t give her the response because that’s EXACTLY what she wants (c)
the FACT that she even asks “why does it matter if there’s a white lives matter” banner just shows how fucking IGNORANT this woman is. the fact that she claims in that IGTV that football players don’t wear poppies yet they “take a knee” is fucking absurd.
Footballers “take a knee” as a result of an INNOCENT black man dying at the hands of a WHITE, RACIST police officer. There are MANY black players and allies in football and the FACT that she disgraces the fact that they take a knee in solidarity is absolutely fucking disgusting.
and the fact that she has posted pictures on her Instagram of football pundits wearing Black Lives Matter badges and claimed that “there wasn’t a singular spine” in them nor the football players because they “refused” to take a knee is FUCKING disgraceful.
We all know that she is a racist piece of shit, but the fact that she is posting the “White Lives Matter” banner on her Instagram is absolutely disgusting. Not only that but she suggested that a muslim woman in America was “a hand grenade in a headscarf” which is baffling.
And not only is she racist, she suggested that a “face mask” wouldn’t save “fat” people but losing weight might. It doesn’t matter what you weigh because Coronavirus doesn’t just kill of “fat” people
as someone who is most definitely someone she would call “fat” I would just like to come out and publicly say this. I am not “fat” because I’m lazy, I am “fat” because I have an imbalance of hormones in my body. I suffered with eating for many years because people
like that woman were so fucking rude. the fact that she insinuates that fat people will contract the virus because the mask isn’t the problem is seriously FUCKED UP. she already claims coronavirus is “coronabollocks” so why does she have to stick her two cents in about masks?
and ANOTHER thing - this woman claimed that Naya Rivera killed her self because of lockdown which is absolutely FUCKING ABSURD. what mother in their right mind kills them self in front of their FOUR YEAR OLD SON?
as a massive glee fan, i was absolutely devestated by the news of Naya’s absolutely tragic drowning accident and the fact that she has to put her two cents in and not let people grieve without a stupid fucking conspiracy is FUCKED up.
And do I even NEED to mention the double standards she gives to Meghan and Kate? She treats Meghan Markle like she’s a piece of shit and she treats Kate Middleton like an angel. Why? Because she’s a stereotypical fucking racist
Don’t get me wrong I LOVE Kate Middleton AND Meghan Markle but do I give them double standards because one of them is white and the other is bi-racial? NO. The truth of the matter is that she just hates to see anyone who isn’t white thriving in life
And honestly I can’t imagine being THAT sad. The fact that she calls Meghan Markle “trailer trash with a highlighter stick” is fucking disgusting. Meghan Markle is double, TRIPLE the woman she will EVER be and all of her hatred boils down to jealousy.
Meghan Markle is GORGEOUS. Black people are GORGEOUS. Footballers (and anyone) standing up for BLM is GORGEOUS. K*tie H*pkins is just jealous. She feels the need to latch on and leech off of other people’s successes to stay relevant and that’s rather sad.
I was hoping to end this thread yesterday but she had posted another IGTV when I finished the thread and I just can’t keep quiet.
K*tie H*pkins in her most recent IGTV has just called Edward Coulston - a slave trader - a “good man”. A “good fucking man”? Are men who traded black men and women for SLAVERY “good men”? I sure as hell don’t think so.
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