The people who have destroyed our society and harmed our citizens with the virus hysteria WILL be exposed. I’m sick of seeing my family suffer from the trickle down repercussions of the virus response. It breaks my heart and I’m ANGRY. We will expose you. Mark my words.
This BS has effected every last aspect of people’s lives - literally. Enough is enough. We have millions living in total fear and countless others unable to access services and treatments they need. And we have no recourse. The harm that is coming to hundreds of millions
of people right now is a travesty we just can’t measure. All because of a virus that is deadly for the elderly and bearable by others. There are millions of illnesses out there that cause death - and NOW WE KNOW THEY ARE MESSING WITH NUMBERS FOR A POLITICAL AGENDA
They are lying about the data. They tests don’t work right. I’ve had whistleblowers who won’t go on record out of fear who have told me they’ve sent tests in from ghost patients that have come back positive.
We are at war and we need to start winning it. Yesterday.
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