People are leaving out pretty much the entire fucking anti Semitic part of what Nick Cannon said. Perpetuating the conspiracy that Jews control the media, government, or economy is extremely harmful and anti Semitic. Please try to educate yourself before commenting on the issue.
And if you’re going to comment anti Semitic shit under this tweet, I hope that you educate yourself on anti semitism. I’m not going to get in arguments about this, there are plenty of resources for you to learn the history behind it.
And the majority of the responses to this just prove the fact that as Jews we’ve always been left to fend for ourselves. Literally no one else stands behind us to speak up against anti semitism.
Nate explained the reasoning behind why this conspiracy is harmful very well. Please listen to it and educate yourself.
I want to clarify, we’re not upset about what he said about melanin. That was about white people not Jews, and you can’t be racist towards white people.
Also I don’t tolerate/condone ANY racism under this tweet. Saying things against the Black or Palestinian communities is completely wrong and is not helpful in the slightest.
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