it's a really exhausting time to be black and jewish right now because black goyim REFUSE to acknowledge nick cannon's antisemitism, and white goyim ONLY care about what he said about white people & want to use jews as a shield for their antiblackness
i don't give a fuck about what he said about white people, white people BEEN brutalizing the world for ages. white racists are LEAPING to pretend like they give a crap about jews in order to tear down a black man like they always do.
and the antiblackness in so many responses is EXTREMELY visible. sometimes nauseating.
and then on the other side there are black people who are just like "nick cannon said nothing wrong and if your think he said anything wrong it's because you're a racist" "he spoke only facts if you disagree you're white"

sorry im too BLACK AND JEWISH to agree.
the antisemitic conspiracy theories he was pushing have literally directly led to multiple mass shootings in recent years. this rhetoric you're happily patting him on the back for is killing us.
you can't claim to be pro black then throw part of your community under the bus. you can't claim to be pro black then support people on rhetoric that endangers the lives of black jews.
and you CAN, if you're remotely capable of nuance, talk about and critically examine the ways that black people are disparately attacked/censured for these transgressions vs. nonblack poc or white people.
you CAN, if you're remotely capable of nuance, talk about why parts of what nick cannon was saying about white colonialism and cruelty rung true and STILL talk, from there, about antisemitism and why those conspiracy theories are harmful bullshit.
you can support people and also educate them. you can use these moments to teach people WHY what they're saying is dangerous and hurtful. there are options on a binary that isn't just "this person is persona non grata forever" or "support everything they said unconditionally"
but that's the lion's share of what im seeing right now from nonjews and it's tiring.

i shouldn't have to choose between being black and being jewish. im literally never going to do that, no matter how hard y'all keep tryna play like it's a binary choice.
i do want to say that i see a lot of nonblack jews rting this which is great but also i do NOT want to sleep on the RAMPANT antiblackness that's happening in the intracommunity response too because that's real and painful af
there's always an INTENSE disparity every single time that a black person says some antisemitic shit vs. when a white person does (and a WILD disparity on that vs. when a white jew is racist? please they'll just continue having positions of authority in the community for ever.)
and y'all NEED to do a better job of collecting reach other on antiblackness and addressing antisemitism WITHOUT being racist as hell about it.
cuz every time it just seems like many people eager to retreat further into their biases and some of you just use "fighting antisemitism" as an excuse to be mad racist.

and VERY much pretend, again, that black jews don't exist.
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