I hate this performative bullshit. A bunch of reporters who know every detail of this story and have for over a decade are acting like this will be "shocking" and "disappointing". They're slow playing doing real journalism so they can keep some bullshit sense of access. https://twitter.com/dcsportsbog/status/1283199092307435521
DC has such a gross and incestuous sports media culture. It's the same people who have been here for 20 years recycling their "access" with front office nobodies who get praised in the press for being perennially mediocre (Alex Santos).
They go on TV and radio and Twitter touting "sources" but cover the team like they're part of the propaganda machine. Any real information they have they keep to themselves for fear they'll lose the prescious access they use to leverage raises and gigs. Journalism be damned.
So now there's going to be a massive story about the two biggest "sources" in the org getting fired, and I'm supposed to believe all these reporters didn't know the whole time? Do your fucking jobs and tell the story BEFORE the team drops some official BS to protect you too.
DC sports media has been abysmally trash in covering the teams here because they care more about pretending they're insiders than actually doing journalism work. The fake outrage and shock we are about to see will be exposed. You all knew Santos was a creep and said nothing.
Need some proof? Almost 10 years ago @JasonLaCanfora was sending dick pics and asking a catfish online to meet him at hotels in BMore for scoops. He didn't know it was all fake. He called me and begged me to stop following the story. Then NFL security called me about RG3's pics.
There's zero journalistic integrity in DC sports media. There's zero pressure to ask good questions or follow real stories. And so when everyone acts like they didn't know what was going on - tell them to fuck off. They're culplable.
It's just that now Santos and coaches can't take cute reporters out to dinner in Ashburn to feed them scoops anymore. Maybe some of these "reporters" actually have to do some reporting. But don't hold your breath.
Can't even tell you how many times I was asked to wait on a story or change what I said or offered tickets and access by Tony Wylie. And I was writing for HogsHaven unpaid where the editor nixed half my stories for fear of backlash.
I've worked with Smoot for 10 years and the shit he's told me PALES in comparison to the shit I've heard from "reporters" who drop scoops leaked deep from inside the org. How do you think someone who showed up a couple years ago drops scoops a player or beat reporter didn't know?
I hope @EBJunkies and @granthpaulsen are following this thread. They probably don't know the full story if the Redskins catfish, and it's that exact sweeping under the rug by the team and scoop-hungry media that allows bad things to happen behind closed doors.
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