Dear @British_Airways I am in ur Abuja office to make an enquiry abt my flight. Ur staff (guy) is playing games on his phone and hardly attentive (which is ok 🤷🏾‍♂️), but I asked him to confirm the (inaccurate) info he shared with me and he said: “ITS LIKE U DNT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH.”
B4 comin here, I was on ur customer phone line for 40 mins & didn’t succeed, so I drove frm Utako to Transcorp. I was nice to ur staff: Greeted him, asked how he was doing...
It’s not like I came to beg for a free flight Lol. I am a customer, an exec member (not like it matters)
When I told him that his statement to me wasn’t fair, he stood up and walked out of the office, raising his voice at me (not wearing a mask) and saying that he has things to do, and that his boss sent him.

I have an audio recording.
You can follow @effodu.
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