The Ultimate JavaScript Free Resources Thread 🧵

Want to learn #JavaScript for free but not sure where to start? I've compiled a list of free resources that covers:

📘 Books
🖥️ Websites
📝 Free Courses
🎥 Youtube Channels


#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #Frontend #webdev
📘 Books 1/2

Search Google for any of these #free books, they will show as one of the top results.

Download or read them online, they will provide you with a deep understanding of JavaScript.

- Eloquent JavaScript
- You Dont Know Js
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
📘 Books 2/2

- Speaking JavaScript
- JavaScript: The Good Parts
- JavaScript For Cats
- DOM Enlightenment
- Understanding ECMAScript 6
- Human JavaScript
- Flavio Copes JS Handbook

#javascript #CodeNewbies #books #100DaysOfCode
🖥️ Websites 1/4

Each of the sites listed below have a plethora of JavaScript information to learn from and refer back to.

From beginners tutorials to full explanations of concepts, these are the best sites to learn from.

#javascript #learnjs #CodeNewbies #frontend #webdev
🖥️ Websites 3/4  - w3schools JS - Tutorialspoint JS -Wikibooks Js Intro  - Learn JS through a programming game - HTMLDog JS Tutorials
📝 Free Courses 3/3 - Codecademy Intro to JS (free trial) Intro to the very basics of the JavaScript language. (free trial) - TreeHouse js basics (free trial)
📽️ YouTube Channels 1/4

Youtube is a great free resource to learn from. Listed below are some fantastic beginners JavaScript playlists to watch and code along to.

Make sure to feedback and give the creators (fellow devs) some love!
📽️YouTube Channels 2/4

The Weird Javascript Course by @fireship_dev -

Javascript Crash Course by @freeCodeCamp -

New Javascript by @thenetninjauk -)
📽️YouTube Channels 3/4

JavaScript For Beginners by @developedbyed -

Javascript Crash Course by @traversymedia -

Introduction to JavaScript] by @DevSimplified -
You can follow @frontenddude.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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