Can we talk about how you are you are imposing YOUR rhetorical logic to deny #sexworkers our own agency to name when we are being raped? Can we talk about how we DO NOT GIVE YOU CONSENT to describe OUR experiences for us?

@af3irmhawaii @AF3IRM @af3irmla @jollenelevid
It might make certain theoretical sense to claim ALL SEX WORK IS RAPE to people who largely see prostitution as a metaphor, but to sex workers who have actual lived experiences, this statement makes as much sense as saying ALL SEX IS RAPE.
Most of the sex work I have done has been extremely consensual. I do not consent to any feminist, cop, or judge declaring that I have been raped when I know I have not.

I am not an object, I have my own agency, and it is spiritual wickedness to use feminist theory to deny that.
By saying all sex work is rape, you are actually making it impossible for us to name the specific moments when we do experience rape. Yes sex workers can be raped. We need the agency and power to name those specific occurrences and the power seek justice on our own terms
If these tweets make it seem like I am mad, it's because I am. Rape is serious, it is real, and it is something that many sex workers have experienced. It is not a metaphor for you use to win some argument against us.

Do not deny us our own agency ever
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