Copywriters and marketers alike will find this interesting

Now a little caution before you proceed to reading this thread.

This goes against a popular marketing concept that has been proven to work over the years and has generated $$billions for those that have been using it.
So if you're a beginner please stick with what works...

And don't even put this into much consideration but it will help you anyways.

This is something I've been thinking really deep on and it baffles me that nobody has used this or at least I've not seen anybody try it.
But if you understand anything about human psychology as all copywriters and marketers should know...

You'll see what I'm seeing.

So let's get right in, I'll explain everything to you now.

If you're in the road reading this or you're not somewhere settled, please
you would want to grab a chair or something and get comfortable for this one.

Enough with the pep talk, here's it.

You know in conventional copywriting when you're making your offer, it's only logical to introduce scarcity right?
Where you tell the prospect that the product is actually $X but for today they get it at $X and you give your reason why to justify it...

Normal stuff right?

But I was thinking, what if we did the exact opposite? Scarcity but from a new fresh angle.
And why did I think this would work?

Because I KNOW how people think and why they act, I'm a copywriter.

Let's get into details here...

Instead of doing that above, what if I did/say something like
"This package was sold for $267 in our last promotion, but for today it's $367...

What?? I know!

This goes against everything you're used to, this was suppose to be the place I give you a sweet discount so you get in now.

Well, this is not one of those fake scarcity nonsense.
The first promotions we did for this package was for $67 and some where lucky to get in when it was so low and even after warning they'll be a price bump some still didn't get in.

The next promotion went for $167 and guess what?
Those that missed the $67 offer jumped right in because even at that it was a total steal, but other's still relented even after another price bump warning.

That was been the trend since it got to this point.

Now if you didn't have the chance to see it at $67..
we're so sorry but even now it's still a sweet steal.

Like Samuel Jackson said after his first 2 weeks in the training "I'll pay $1k for this if I was offered again"

But here's this truth, those that missed out on the last 3 deals can't wait to jump in now as we speak...
I'm sure they're already putting in their card info...

Because we will increase the price from $367 to $467 in our next promotion few days from today.

So if you want to save yourself that $100 and steal this deal you better jump in now
Or you could wait, see if we're really serious and get it at $467...

Even then you might still not get in because our offers are exclusive to only 107 persons every promotion.

Last time we did this we had over 20,000 persons visit this exact page...
So you see that 107 will be closed soon if it's not already.

If the button below still works, then you're in luck but if not well... You'll have to come back when it's $467."


So something like that instead of the usual.

But you see what I did?
If you didn't go read it AGAIN

This can literally help you charge more for your stuff, now...


This has not been tested at all, just from my head, I've not seen this ever!

So please stick with what already works but if you are like to test things..
try this out and see how it plays out.
Just make sure to bring me on board.

This is something really crazy, but if I understand brainology well, this could be more effective than actually LOWERING your prices...

That's it, was a long one but worth it.
Study this thread again and again if you have to...

See what I did.

Now... How am I sure this will work?

I'm not sure it will fail either.

Those that have the heart to test it, carry on I just want to have a backstage pass when you do.
You can follow @DjedjeBright.
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