This was posted as a joke but this is what I mean when I say that calling women "people with cervixes" is the most privileged thing in the world. Most women know SHIT about female anatomy. My 50 y-o mother had four children and still thinks period blood comes from the ovaries.
My mother is a white woman in a Western European country. She has not been educated past the age of 16, granted, but she's seen gynaecologists before. She carried four children to term. Going through menopause. And yet she still asked me as I was grimacing from my own period pain
"Are your ovaries hurting you?" Imagine what it is like for women who have never been to school, whose access to sexual education are lies told to them by deeply misogynistic men. Most women don't even know the name for "vulva" and just call it vagina. And that's the part of our
body most easily accessible to most of us (the horrors of FGM makes it much harder if not straight up impossible for many more women.) Most women don't know what Fallopian tubes are. Most women wouldn't be able to tell you they have a cervix. Most women don't have access to the
ressources needed to speak of our anatomy in a post-modern way that's acceptable to men. Stop pushing that newspeak on women. We deserve better.
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