This guy told me “fuck Newsom, letting people starve during this fucking pandemic”, today while I was at work. And I was kind of bothered by this statement.

A thread
First of all, this guy was not wearing a mask. So I’m like double bothered already. Second of all he wasn’t wearing a mask and was pissed everything got shut down and that people were starving..
So let me get this straight, this maskless dude is mad because businesses got shut down and people are starving? But he’s contributing to the problem by spreading Covid-19 by not wearing a mask
So if you are contributing to spreading this disease, you are the reason businesses are closing. Therefore you are the reason people are starving...
But if you want to get technical, this was Trump’s fault for not taking the pandemic seriously. And he still doesn’t. And the federal government doesn’t want to lock everything down and put a pause on rent or even help us out finanally.
So we’re just stuck in a constant cycle of letting a virus become political. But yeah, blame it on Newsome lol. The man is trying to help save lives, and you want to make this about politics.
So yeah, blame Newsom even though you are the one not wearing the mask..
This foo literally told me to stay safe before driving off after he just endangered my health as well as my coworkers’ health.
I hate it here. #fuck2020

End thread.
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