A thread on the red herrings currently all over the media with regards Manchester City and CAS.

The current big energy is in awaiting the full judgement as if that is going to fundamentally change things. It won't. Well, not unless you're paid to sell stories to rival fans.
City have been exonerated because a year ago they said, this case should not have been brought, and CAS have even in their summary judgement said more or less the same. UEFA couldn't prove, or were time barred from bringing the charges.
When some of us began pointing out UEFA's own rules were going to prevent them from investigating the Football Leaks emails, the big energy was that we didn't know what we were talking about. That somehow, the LAW, the RULES, ONLY apply to City, and in a VERY narrow frame.
Yet the truth was and is that the entire 'prosecution' was politically motivated. This is clear in the briefs since UEFA lost, where they claim they knew they were going to lose but had to bring the case anyway. Why? What a stupid, pointless, exercise. Politically motivated.
The politics are clear in the breathless reporting of what's app groups and next steps from rivals. The excitement over the full summary judgement and the CONSTANT referral to City winning on a 'technicality'. The need to have a moral opinion on a football club is laughable.
I don't need to do a Pep and list all the amoral scum that reside inside boardrooms, or the shady financial dealings of those people. I'm just laughing at all shilling being done by writers who think that their only responsibility is to frame City as cheats, rule benders.
Whilst WHITE WASHING the dirty, backroom, machinations, criminal activity, and general xenophobia which led to these charges in the first place.

Anyway, I'm sure there'll be LOTS written post the full judgement. But I personally won't be reading any of it. 🚮🚮🚮
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