exposing a group chat of Black Armys who have been doxxing other Black stans, comparing them to animals, & harassing them off of this platform
1.Achol @acholvsachol (OP in the above video crying over kpop stans’ lack of concern for black people’s safety- you’ll see the irony of this later in the thread. OP deactivated when they were initially called out last month & have yet to return. They created #BlackArmyBlockParty)
2. Lynn @saayminnie (previously @sanateeez)
3. Kyah @myunghoa (previously @minghaodior)
4. Alaijah @IMONITEEZ
5. Kayla @soytrbl_ (previously @cherrycxsmos)
Let’s start from the beginning of all of this. There’s a lot to unpack here.
On April 6th at 5:29 pm, Achol posted an “expose thread” on this girl who we’re going to call Bee (@immachillout), including tweets Achol felt were “sus”.

We’ll get back to that later
5:45 pm Bee hadn’t responded to the thread so Achol dm’d her. “This Bee ??”

6:15 pm when Bee still hadn’t responded, Achol dm’d Bee her own private photo- a photo she had *never* posted on the internet before- in an attempt to intimidate her. “Hey” “Is this you”. Still no answer
6:36 pm Lynn ( @saayminnie, previously @sanateeez) doxxes Bee, posting another one of Bee’s private photos publicly to twitter
The group chat members tweet, openly laughing about doxxing Bee- including Achol (@acholvsachol ), Alaijah ( @imoniteez), & Kayla ( @soytrbl_ , formerly @cherrycxsmos )
6:53 pm Lynn tweets out a photo of a dog, saying Kyah is funny. Kyah then replies “I almost commented her picture”
6:59 pm Lynn continues doxxing Bee, releasing another one of her private photos, this time comparing her- a Black woman- to a dog
7:12 pm Lynn tweeted out a dancing fancam, saying that she *hoped* Bee had seen all of the doxxing and antiblack insults they had thrown at her
7:26 pm Lala ( @pradaksj, formerly @kawscore ) tweets out a list of Black Armys to follow- 3/5 of the doxxers are included.

Both Achol & Lynn retweet this list while in the midst of trying to deny the doxxing & covering up their tracks

We will come back to this later also
Despite publicly doxxing this girl, laughing while making vile comments for everyone to see- the entire group still denies the crime to this day
Fast forward to June 1st when the video from the beginning of this thread was originally posted
In the vid, Achol cried about Kpop stans not caring about Black ppl

How ironic. After doxxing a Black woman, comparing her to a dog, harassing her, causing her extreme emotional distress & threatening her safety- you suddenly care about Black lives when it’s convenient for you??
Bee rightfully called Achol out for her performative activism, quote tweeting the video with a screenshot of Achol threatening Bee with her own private photo from when the gc doxxed her
Achol then scrambled to lie & say she didn’t ridicule nor laugh at Bee- as if we don’t have photos of her doing exactly that

Then instead of apologizing, she attempted gaslighting, lying that Bee hadn’t expressed being upset about the doxxing prior to now

and then blocked Bee
But wait. There’s more. Much more.
Let’s rewind back to the day Bee was doxxed- April 6th. It was later discovered that Bee (@immachillout) and @angryblackpjm were not the same person.

So who *was* the person that Achol had made a whole thread of their tweets?

Let’s call her Gia
When Achol made the “expose thread” on Gia, Gia’s old mutual defended her, explaining that she had been bullied into deactivating for calling out appropriation

Achol dm’d the mutual that Gia had not been bullied- that it was bc her tweets were “condescending” & “backhanding” bts
Well. Let’s look at the material
Am I missing something here??
Is this tweet “condescending” towards bts because it jokes about their cultural appropriation????

The last 2 images are of the “look” being referred to here
I googled the link Gia (@angryblackpjm) tweeted here.....it’s an article about antiblackness within the bts army fandom.....

This is what Achol had an issue with?

Someone talking about fandom racism & kpop appropriation?? Yet she claims to be pro-black???
Well. The next day, April 7th, Gia (@angryblackpjm/@c00narmysmadd) came back from deactivation with her own thread
In the thread, Gia said that Lynn ( @saayminnie) & Achol (@acholvsachol) had been doxxing & harassing Black women on kpop stan twitter for months- herself included
Gia also addressed Achol’s “expose thread” on her
Gia also said that this group has run multiple Black women off of this platform for speaking on issues in kpop
Remember that Black Army list Lala ( @pradaksj) had tweeted in the midst of the doxxing issue the day before?

It had 3/5 of the doxxers on it, including Alaijah ( @IMONITEEZ), Lynn ( @saayminnie), & Achol (@acholvsachol).
Gia called out this seemingly calculated diversion also

Although I can agree the drag was heavy, I don’t know which insults should be considered off the table for people that have been comparing Black women to animals, doxxing them, & putting their lives in danger...over kpop...
At 1:42 pm both Lala ( @pradaksj) and Chioma ( @THICJ00N) tweeted. At the exact same time
Gia changed her @ to “stopdoxxingbw” and ultimately deactivated due to the backlash. She hasn’t been seen since

Her disappearance was celebrated as this meant the main issue of them doxxing Black women had been successfully buried

Or so they thought
Have you realized yet that the person they meant to dox...was Gia all along? They were mad she was talking about antiblackness within the BTS Army & cultural appropriation. She was the 1 Achol made a thread about. Bee’s doxxing was a case of mistaken identity & 1st degree coonery
The doxxers only thought Bee was Gia because Bee had added them to a list to call them out along with others

They did not realize how many Black women were aware of their antics aside from Gia

Why was such an assumption acted upon? My only possible answer is Uncle Tomfoolery
I looked at the other people on Bee’s call out list & many were familiar names

@respect_my_time is a Black Army that goes around calling Black people roaches
@outrofenty was a white person who got caught cosplaying as a Black Army. They had a large following despite being known to call Black people monkeys amongst many other antiblack insults

@gIossprint had actually been an antiblack Black Army that also called Black people monkeys
@lesbkoya called another Black Army a monkey & threatened to Iynch her.

She was aware that her tweets sounded like that of a racist white person & was happy to show that she was, in fact, Black.
@tearpng lied that Jim Jones was anti-Korean in order to cover for Yoongi in his recent speech sampling scandal.

@tearpng ‘s thread of misinformation & lies was used to invalidate the feelings of other Black Armys, harass them, call them cockroaches, report them, & dox them.
Doxxing, harassing, & being antiblack towards Black Armys under the guise of “protecting bts” is a common practice of many Black Armys on twitter
A reply to one of Achol’s tweets on her backup account @HEARMECVLLING (which she also deactivated after I alluded to calling her out) reads “lets dox him”

This tweet was made by a Black Army account that is still very active ( @jhscasa)
You might remember a few weeks ago when I called out Kyah ( @myunghoa ) for invalidating another Black Army’s feelings for wanting bts to speak out on blm....

only to turn around herself after bts tweeted to say she felt like crying & that it meant so much to her
How you can come on the internet to dox and compare another Black woman to a dog while looking like this is beyond me

It’s no one else’s fault that you hate yourself so much that you want to make every other Black woman’s life a living heII just like yours

So Please. Seek Help.
I don’t know how any sane Black Army is expected to survive in a fandom where if they’re not being attacked by racist non-Black Armys, it’s their OWN fellow self-hating Black Armys that are doing the doxxing & harassing them with racist rhetoric
If you have ever wondered why antiblackness seems to thrive in the Army fandom, I hope this thread has helped open your eyes

Please protect yourselves & your mutuals

Block & report those you feel necessary

And of course, never hesitate to reach out to me if you need help
You can follow @KoonCollective.
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