What Is The Fastest Way To Lose Weight?

The fastest way to lose weight and start living healthy is by developing healthy habits!

Unhealthy weight gain normally happens subtly, a lot of times without us noticing.


How many diet or weight loss programs have you began and given up on after a couple of weeks?

Many people want to do the least and expect maximum results in the shortest time.

Nothing will change until you change your habits.

I have gone through many diets to lose weight.

The main reason why all my efforts at losing weight fast failed was that I had the wrong mindset.

I wanted to lose weight without changing my habits and lifestyle

I looked at “losing weight fast” as a quick-fix solution.

This all changed when I learned that it takes 21 days to create a habit. If you continue doing that action for 90 days it will become a lifestyle.

My first experiment was #90DaysWithoutSugar Challenge. I did not consume any processed sugar and foods for a period of 90 days.

After 90 days I lost 13 kilograms, dropped two pant sizes, and ran my first half marathon.

The fastest weight loss diet is not a diet.

I discovered that habits were the fastest weight loss diet!

I accidentally discovered the secret of not only losing weight fast but also keeping it off.

The greatest secret of losing weight fast is to focus on habits or small daily actions and forget about results for a moment.

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