Anyone else ever think about how, in the season 3 finale, Rick is fighting the weird, feral, presidential children, and he just weirdly has a bunch of candy to throw at them to distract them?

Well. Headcanon incoming.

Rick first notices it when they’ve been on a 7 hour (cont)
venture searching for an alien species of tree frogs. The bastards were slippery, and well camouflaged in the planet’s foliage, and the longer it took the slower progress seemed to get.

Rick was turning to yell at Morty about picking up the pace when he paused to take in his
appearance. Morty had a sheen of sweat across his face, and was visibly shaking as he reached out his hands to look beneath a large purple leaf. He seemed to be concentrating on his breathing, inhaling and exhaling with as much measure as he could instill while also trembling
with each exhalation. Rick’s cybernetic eye scanned his temperature and vitals to make sure the little idiot hadn’t gotten stung by an alien insect or stuck his dick in something poisonous. The nanobots in his bloodstream reported all areas were normal, with the exception of a
somewhat significant drop in blood sugar levels.


“Morty, when did you last eat something?”

Morty startled at the sudden question, and dropped the leaf he was holding as he turned.

“Um... I guess last night? I didn’t have a chance to eat breakfast, and you pulled me out
of school before lunch...”

Morty trailed off and avoided looking directly at Rick, uncomfortable with the level of scrutiny his grandpa seemed to be looking at him with.

Rick processed this information, and patted his coat pockets, half searching out his flask with one hand,
as the other continued searching. Finally, he managed to scrounge up a couple of wafer cookies and a grape lollipop. Rick didn’t tend to keep food on him, as his diet tended to be more liquid based, but he did have something of a sweet tooth.

“Here,” he said, shoving them at
Morty. “It’s not much, but something simple and sugary is going to be quickest way to feel better.”

Morty blinked down at the collection of sweets in his hands as though he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do with them. Rick cleared his throat and took a pull from his flask.
“Well, wh-what are you waiting for? A fucking wine menu? Get - eat that shit fast so your hands stop shaking like you’re Michael J Fox, and you can help - you can get back to what I need you for.”

Rick turned around and started stomping back towards the ship.

Morty didn’t say
anything about the incident on the way home. When he’d tried to thank Rick during the walk back to the ship, he’d been met with a response that was more belch than word, so he’d assumed Rick didn’t want to linger on the topic.

He also didn’t mention noticing that after this,
Rick began keeping a supply of hard candies in his pockets. He’d sometimes take one out and wordlessly hand it to Morty during adventures.

They didn’t talk about it. But Morty noticed.

Because they didn’t talk about it, Morty didn’t say that he liked the strawberry flavor the
most. But Rick still noticed.

After that, Rick seemed to notice a lot.

Well I dunno where that came from, but it’s outta my brain now. Sorry to the handful of followers I have for spamming your TL’s 😅
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