I hesitate to delve into this Nick Cannon thingy, but white people are not evil. I will say after 58 million natives killed; tens of millions of Africans; 35 million Indians killed by British colonialism. Historically, wherever the European foot has landed savagery has ensued.
Now, I also have to recognize that whites have also been martyrs in the fight for civil rights. The underground railroad would not have been successful without white allies who opened their homes to black slaves trying to get to the North. The list of white martyrs is extensive.
It is dangerous to speak in absolutes, no group of people are inherently evil, but sometimes blacks speak from a place of deep hurt. Now if I had a time machine I would go back and go complete Django on some motherfuckers, but we all know that those people no longer exist.
We have to recognize the past, but also deal with the evil in front of us, which is clear and present and we have to fight it together.
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