Thread- exposing a mixer streamer that I EMBARRASSED in gears of war 4.

A little backstory before I send the screenshots, the dude’s GT was Risen Rages/ RisenRages however you wanna look at it. We were playing harbor and basically, I started bodying him.

Eventually he starts to seek me out, like the literal second he spawns in, this dude is roadie running to the grenades where I was. So I start to play with my food. I give him the ‘No no’ because he keeps coming after me, just as I get the last kill and start to execute

His friend, I get the first message. What follows is a quite a trip. 😌

I’m not gonna show every single message because Twitter would shutdown if I tried to upload that much. However I will post the important parts. He accuses me and the whole team of cheating. And continues to talk his shit

Note: we eventually got put into another match against each other and as expected, I bodied his entire three stack. So I get yet another message to keep cheating. At this point, I’m having my fun. When I down him I start to dance and tbag to my hearts content

Because honestly? This dude was a joke. He was Diamond 5, I think that’s the highest you can get in ranked. I haven’t played gears 4 for long so I can’t say. I’m only Onyx 3 so he was obviously feeling pretty embarrassed. The messages continue-

And continue-
And continue some more-
And that’s all I’m gonna show, he blocked me soon after this anyway but I did manage to find his mixer. Which I’ll link at the end of this thread.

In the middle of sending me all these messages, dude is blowing up my phone with game invites and party invites.

I joined his party when I first got an invite because honestly I’ve never been so good that i was called a cheater, he and his friends just start calling me a faggot and mock my voice, typical.

(They streamed it as it happened which was bizarre to me)

So if @WatchMixer could suspend the group that called me a faggot thirty times that would be great but anyway, that’s pretty much it.

His twitch is 

I really hope he sees this, because Risen bro... you gotta know your place. Thanks for the laughs 💋
That’s all folks, hope the screenshots made you laugh like they did for me.
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