@urgirladrie on tiktok annoys the fuck out of me and is hella sus. Like bitch you're threatening murder on minors (most likely) n it's like goddamn u could have solved it wayyy better like maybe idk fuckenn dming the person telling them to remove ur picture n explaining that u
R in recovery.. it's like now some of her fsns probably came too the person's twirtter n harrased thenm (not all I bet some of them were too pussy to do anything) and like, I understand her anger it's justified because like,, I would simply cry if I was used in a fatdpo thread.
And as my last point now the user is at a risk of harrasment n doxxing so it's like jus,, take it to DMS it's not that hard n none of this drama would've happened if she used more than one braincell. (Excuse any typos I typed this rly fast to get some anger out that I had about
This situation, that I would have gotten attacked 4 in her comments lol. Also if she sees this but I doubt she will if you rly want ur sweet sweet tiktok clout by harrasing mentally ill ppl on the internet n for some reason wanna make a tiktok on this thread censor my name
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