pls like this & i’ll do it in the morning
1. okay in sixth grade i told one of my friends that i was bi and she was like me too and then she asked me if i had a crush at the moment and i liked HER but i didn’t want to say that so i told her a random girls name and she was like :/ k. and then our friend came up and told
me that she was sad bc she had a crush on me but i was too embarrassed to tell her at that point bc i had already lied so i just was like :/ sorry.
2. freshman year i had a class with the guy and it was so obvious that he liked me and i didn’t feel the same way so i tried to like distance myself bc i didn’t want him to think i did. anyways he got his phone taken away one day bc he was trying to text me during class and so
he still wanted to talk to me i guess and he was staring at me and pointing at his chromebook. then i looked at my email inbox and he had shared a google doc with me and all he said was “u free on friday?” so i closed it and pretended that i had never seen it.
3. i had a crush on this sophomore when i was a 7th grader bc he was a drummer in my friend’s band and i thought he was pretty. anyways i’m sure i was obvious bc his last name was snyder like the pretzel brand and i made my instagram bio “i like my men like i like my pretzels”
and one day i was hanging out with my friend and the whole band was there and we were just vibing and i had to leave so i started to walk away and then my friend dared me to do something so i walked back up to him and said “oh sorry you dropped something” and when he held his
hand out to grab the thing he “dropped” i just held his hand. it still is ranked high up on my awkward experiences chart
4. omg if u followed me last year i had the biggest crush on the french foreign exchange student. she would always wear this grey beret and had amazing style & she would talk to me about harry. i pulled a bram greenfeld and made my friend come with me to the school play
multiple times so that i could see her. anyways she’s beautiful i miss her. rip cute french girl
5. okay so i’ve had this best friend since 3rd grade and her family has always wanted us to get together which is flattering bc i would love to be part of the family but then she basically asked me out one day but it was on snapchat and i never use snapchat
so i didn’t see it for days and i think she thought i was avoiding her
6. i had a crush on one of my friends in 6th grade bc he would walk me to class and he was my first kiss & since i was a predictable child i made him my instagram password. a few years later i told him and he cried from laughing and now he gives me free drinks at starbucks i win
7. idk if this guy actually had a crush on me but somehow i accepted him on my spam instragram account & he would always comment “HOT” on my selfies so i really appreciate the confidence boost he gave me.
8. OMFG HELP I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THIS ONE. i was at a pool party at my friends house and a guy was there that i was sure had a crush on me and my friend was fostering these cute kittens so a few of us went upstairs to go play with them. i was done swimming so i had changed into
my regular clothes but i didn’t have a bra so i just had a tank top on. so i go upstairs and i’m holding one of the kittens and they got their claws stuck in my top so when i tried to help them get unstuck they pulled my shirt down and my whole tit was out which was mortifying
anyways i looked around to see if anyone had seen it and my friend was laughing and i didn’t understand until i looked and saw that the guy was just staring at my shirt and i was embarrassed okay goodbye
9. i also don’t know if this guy had a crush on me but he was weird asf so i’m putting him on this thread. so he was transferred into my math class halfway through sophomore year and he sat in the desk directly in front of me. i was nice to him the first couple days of class and
then i started to feel uncomfortable bc when we would be given time to work on stuff he would just turn around and stare at me. like he would do a full 180 and just stare. sometimes he would just stare backwards and sometimes he would stare directly at me. either way, it was
scary and i was glad when the seating chart was switched up
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