Today the @wto General Council will conduct formal interviews with the eight candidates to be the next director general.

Here are the profiles of each candidate: 
The interviews will be conducted over the course of three days followed by press conferences with each candidate. The schedule is below.

You can follow the livestream of the press conferences here: 
@JesusSeade’s in the house
. @JesusSeade says the root problem of the @WTO’s troubles is the “inability to negotiate.” As DG he says he will work to bring everyone back to the negotiating table .
The 74-year-old Mexican has remarkably high energy and touted his lengthy experience as a WTO negotiator and DDG.

He had an impressively nuanced response to a Q re: SD&T but declined to say whether his candidacy had the support of the Trump administration.
Next up, @NOIweala
Dr. Ngozi’s Profile 👇
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