About art & improvement: A thread.

The people who say to 'practice a lot every day' are both right and wrong. That approach might be seen as extreme to some or standard to others.

A good rounded approach to artwork and improvement in general is to "Have no Zero Days."

"Have no Zero Days" means that every day, you take a step toward your goal. It can be a small step or a large step. You could doodle on some paper for a minute or you could go full-on art-mode for ten hours. Even .000001% effort is still above zero.

This 'have no zero days' approach helps to maintain a healthy mentality and a positive attitude and still promotes improvement.

For me, I try to treat drawing like a job. Although I draw 8 hours a day, I also take breaks. I have days off.

Breaks are wildly important when it comes to practicing artwork, because burning out on grinding and drawing constantly is harmful both physically and mentally, and is especially damaging to the creative process.

Lastly, don't worry about what other artists are doing. You aren't them.

And that's good.

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