Things you CANNOT do during an online exam. A thread of woe by subject. Civ Pro- create a citizenship chart for a multi-party case to determine diversity.
Contracts- write out the calculation for losses (after attempts to recover) to determine recovery for non-breaching party.
Torts- underline intervening causes and highlight possible additional tortfeasors in determining fault for negligence cases (heavily tested BTW).
Crim Law- create a quick timeline of events when working through issues of requisite intent. Crim Pro- highlight chain of custody matters.
Property- have you ever figured out a RAP problem without writing anything down? Ever? Good luck figuring out who gets Blackacre.
Evidence- highlight the various statements and declarants to answer hearsay questions.
Trusts & Estates- draw a family tree to aid in determining rules of intestate succession.
This is only a glimpse of time honored tools we WILL NOT have access to for a remote exam. Lawyers, tell us again about how “you did it and so can we”? #OnlineBarExamFails #DiplomaPrivilegeNow
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