I've tested positive for COVID19. I want to share this because there mustn't be any stigma around being tested, and also getting a positive result.
I was extremely careful - I have my parents that I still see. I was careful to the point that people made fun of me. I don't go to the shops, I order online & spray everything coming in with sanitiser. I socialise with a very small group of people, even then - at a distance.
But I still got it. It happens. For many of us here who aren't locked up in a house all day, it's a matter of when now. I'm just lucky I was able to get tested. I got tested because I wanted to leave Nairobi & have a break. I wanted peace of mind that I wasn't spreading it.
My test came back positive & it is a shock - I was so careful. But I don't doubt the results & I have mild, weird symptoms. My partner is negative - negative results happen even within a couple. There's a huge window for this. Either he's already had it and recovered...
Or he is early days & the viral load is still too low, or he doesn't have it. I'm now quarantined to my bedroom. I'm not leaving because I'm not going to put him at risk. My food gets brought to the door & anything leaving gets covered in sanitiser.
My biggest fear right now is that I've given this to my parents. I don't wish this fear on anyone. For the sake of those around you, don't doubt the positive results, continue to take precautions even when you're with them - keep distance, wear a mask.
There is evidence coming out that this is aerosol. That means you can spread it through talking or laughing too. Many people are in denial because it is scary and because the majority of people don't show symptoms. You can still have it & be fine & spread it.
It's not easy making this public. But it's so important to know that this isn't anyone's fault. This is so easy to spread. Please take the precautions. And do all you can to protect yourself and those around you.
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