My therapist said something to me today that hit really hard (a thread)
“he may have ‘promised’ forever and although you knew that most likely wouldn’t happen, you still wanted to believe it. So I understand your pain from that situation. However, you have to understand that forever is a very temporary thing.
It is a very in the moment, near future thing. Forever doesn’t mean always. Forever refers to how the relationship is going in that moment. It means that if it continues to go the way that it is then maybe forever could be possible.
It doesn’t refer to years down the line it refers to next week or next month. It refers to the near future. When he said forever he probably meant it then in that moment. However, your guy’s forever is over now.” (not her exact words)
I just want to end this thread with a quote I found that i feel fits well with this
“I won’t ever forget you and maybe that is the only forever the two of us were ever meant to have.” -S.L. Gray
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