In Selfie, Suicide, Cairey has three dreams that correspond to the three endings. The first is Selfie, which is wearing the black crown of the evil wizard Tinfasel, HELEN. This corresponds to living in a false reality of your own nostalgia. A mirror looking into a mirror.
The second dream corresponds to the third ending, Blue Skidoo. When Carrie enters his painting, he dies, as we all do, and is reborn through his art. Art is the way to immortality.
The third dream corresponds to the second ending, Suicide. In this one he doesn't feel the wrath of Hell, the suffering of the artist. He has the easy solution to his problems. He takes off his crown, exits the museum, goes into his apartment, and inhales helium.
It confused me at first why the 3rd dream would correspond to the 2nd ending, but I think the idea is, true art is the middle way between the felicitous and still water of endless peaceful death, and the vicious and painful human beings in our fake world. The side exit.
You cannot use your art and childhood fantasies to escape into the world, you must confront the world. You must pass through Dante's Inferno. The role of art is not always to palliate and comfort, and it cannot be solely directed inward.
Cairey's misery: One is giving up on art ("bemoaning" it) and living life as a child. The 1st dream.
The other is helium, which lifts the "weight" off his shoulders, painless, as in the 3rd dream.
But both involve giving up on making real art, for " far braver than yourself have sought for it in vain unable to afford its cost, a lifetime spent in pain..."
Selfie or Suicide is the false binary Simon believes in. The King Basilisk God, the misunderstood dragon, who the rebel Luciferian snake, Simon, thinks he can depose through his technology, in order to make us Immortal. An illusion. You don't have to choose between only the two.
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