my understanding of what is happening with Caltrain:
– Caltrain is in a dire budget situation due to COVID
– Caltrain only receives funding from fares & partner agencies (eg SFMTA, SamTrans, VTA)
– Caltrain can get more funding from sales tax in 3 counties, via a ballot measure.
to go on the ballot, the measure has to be approved by the boards of:
– Santa Clara
– San Francisco
– San Mateo

to go on the ballot in SF, the measure needs to be:
– referred to committee
– referred to the full board
– approved by the full board
the measure could have been brought up during "roll call" at today's SF board of supervisors meeting. this is when new business can be introduced by supervisors.

no one brought up the Caltrain ballot measure during Roll Call today, so there was *no vote* or discussion of it.
there was public comment about the Caltrain measure, but public comment is actually *after* roll call. nothing can be introduced after public comment.

@MattHaneySF has said all he has heard was from this email today, which he didn't see before the meeting
theoretically, it would have made sense for @shamannwalton to introduce it, as he is also on the board of Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, which owns and operates Caltrain – he represents SF on that board.

this Caltrain board received a presentation on this on July 9th.
without additional funding, sources say Caltrain will replace its service with buses in the fall and would need more funding to re-start train service.
from what i hear, the measure could still make it on the SF ballot if the board of supervisors gets a supermajority to hold an urgent meeting. the deadline for ballot measures in SF is 7/31. the board's rules committee, which puts measures on the ballot, meets every monday.
and that's what i know. thank you @alevin and @thecliffbar for answering my questions about all of this.
adding one bit of my own commentary: this entire effort seems very rushed – it's an urgent timeline, after all. i don't think it makes sense to be getting mad at @MattHaneySF or @DeanPreston as i've seen some do. let's learn the facts – would love to hear from @shamannwalton.
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